
Environmental, social, and governance

Sustainability, appreciation of each and every employee, and respect for our environment is embedded in our values

Our commitment to sustainability

SPS has demonstrated that digital transformation helps our clients become more efficient, reduces their carbon emissions, and implements flexible work patterns without compromising service or quality. This in turn has a direct and favorable impact on our clients, their employees, and the customers they serve.

Also, SPS has earned recognition from EcoVadis, a hallmark of our dedication to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) excellence. With our first rating, we are part of the 84th percentile of all rated organizations globally. EcoVadis evaluates companies across the four key categories of Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement and we are proud to report that we received outstanding scores for our actions and global coverage in the "Ethics" category, where responsible information management is paramount. Read our blog article to learn more.

This recognition reinforces our commitment to further elevate our performance and continue our journey of integrating sustainability in our core operations.

We want to revolutionize digital transformation, improving our clients’ operations by connecting their physical and digital worlds.

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For our enterprise clients in our focus markets in Switzerland, Germany, UK, and the US, and in the banking, insurance, and health industries, we are a game changer in digital transformation to improve operations for the better. We give businesses the solutions they need – to have more time exploring new potentials and focusing on their core business. As a global leader, our focus is on the key stakeholders of our clients, their customers as well as their employees.

By connecting the physical and digital worlds we provide them with an exceptional experience with faster turnaround times, better accuracy, and less complexity.
All this comes together and resonates in our company purpose:

Unlocking the power of possibility for businesses and the people they serveand serve


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Our clients’ needs are at the center of every decision. We help our clients to manage the digital transformation challenge with individual solutions. We generate compelling value-add and cost savings, while meeting compliance requirements.



We are a safe pair of hands for our clients and deliver on our promises. We continuously improve our processes and ensure market-leading standards, cost structures and efficiency rates. We see our operations as “best-in-class” with deep subject matter expertise and experience.



We have the expertise to develop leading solutions by combining people, processes, data, and the latest technology. Our commitment to innovation is ingrained in our DNA as we continually invest in advancements and foster a culture of Innovation. We value and recognize the contributions of our teams in driving innovation forward.


Don't miss this insightful interview with Christina Banahan, Global Director ESG at SPS, and Patrick Obeid, CEO & Founder of ESG Flo. Discover how innovative digital tools are driving environmental progress and operational excellence, highlighting the transformative power of technology in sustainability. 

About ESG Flo: ESG Flo is the ESG compliance platform that uses AI to automate the collection and transformation of data into audit-ready metrics

From ideas to facts: OUR 5 ESG PILLARS


Our people are the key to our success Acting as a socially responsible employer is about providing a working environment that promotes individual performance within wider, shared team efforts. It means enabling a good balance between work and other important facets of life, such as rest and creativity.

It is also about making our workplace safe and welcoming for everyone. We are inclusive of people of all faiths, nationalities, and backgrounds, and we do not tolerate any form of discrimination. We stand for fair, attractive, and economically sustainable employment conditions

woman holding a tablet while having a coffee


We believe in equality of opportunity and SPS is an equal opportunity employer. SPS prohibits discrimination, harassment, and workplace bullying, and promotes respect for co-workers, business partners, and other stakeholders.

As a global organization with nearly 8,500 employees in more than 20 countries we foster a diverse culture, be it in terms of cultural background or age. On a global basis, SPS’ employees are 49% female, 48% male and 3% other genders. Some 36% of our leadership roles are occupied by women. We also focus on the Leadership diversity, Equal opportunities, Unconscious bias and diversity networks. 

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Integrity is at the core of our business operations, as it shapes our reputation, strength, and our clients’ confidence in our activities. We firmly believe that acting with integrity is not only the right thing to do but also crucial for long-term success. To ensure the adherence to ethical standards, we have implemented global policies such as our comprehensive Code of Conduct, which applies to all employees.

We hold our partners and suppliers to the same ethical standards we follow and we do not engage in business with entities that fail to meet these standards or compromise ethical practices.

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As a highly digitialized, service-based company we have a relatively lower CO2 footprint compared with many other types of businesses. Nonetheless, we are committed to reducing our own emissions and helping clients do the same. To measure our emissions comprehensively, SPS has partnered with Climate Partner. This collaboration allows us to examine our supply chain and implement CO2 reduction strategies.

Using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, the world's leading carbon accounting standard, the Climate Partner tool guides our five-step approach to demonstrably reduce SPS' climate impact.

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5. Privacy and Data Security

Our investment in cybersecurity helps us, and the organizations we serve, ensure we are compliant with all relevant regulations and that we are constantly and verifiably improving. The Cybersecurity Team advises not only our colleagues but also our customers on what are the best possible alternatives on how to protect our, and their, data. When we speak about personal identifiable information (PII), we make sure that all our activities in relation with data processing are compliant with the data protection requirements applicable. 

We believe in creating a sense of safety alongside innovation, for our employees, our clients, and the wider communities we serve. We commit to being good guardians of our people, our data, and our planet.


man working on his laptop smiling